Naturopathy | Nutrition | Herbal Medicine | Massage Therapy | Fitness
The Lotus Naturopathy & Massage policies protect your privacy and personal information and comply with all state and federal legislation and National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Lotus Naturopathy & Massage may, from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology.
As part of the clinic providing Natural Therapy services to you, it is essential to collect and record some personal health information about you. With your consent, I will collect, use and disclose your personal health information for the following purpose:
· Case Management;
· Quality assurance, complaint-handling planning and accreditation compliance;
· Referral to another health care provider;
· To meet our obligations of notification to our insurers;
· Research, development or service planning*;
· To prevent or lessen a serious threat to an individual’s life, health or safety;
· Where legally required to do so, such as providing records to a court, or mandatory reporting of child abuse;
· Anyone you authorise us to disclose information to.
All information collected will be confidential and kept secure. You have the right to check what health information Lotus Naturopathy & Massage holds about you. Under the Commonwealth Privacy Act and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act, an individual has the right to obtain access to any personal information which Lotus Naturopathy & Massage holds about them and to advise of any perceived inaccuracy.
There are some exceptions to this right set out in the applicable legislation. To make a request to access any information Lotus Naturopathy & Massage holds about you, please contact the Manager in writing. Parents/Legal Guardians may seek access to health information held by Lotus Naturopathy & Massage about their child by contacting Lotus Naturopathy & Massage. However, there will be occasions when access is denied. Such occasions would include where release of the information would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others, or where the release may result in a breach of the Lotus Naturopathy & Massage’s duty of care to the client. Lotus Naturopathy & Massage will require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require.
In order to provide continuity of care the clinic maintains a reminder system. You consent is needed to be a participant in the reminder system and you have the right to refuse if you wish.
I understand my rights and responsibilities as a client. I consent to an appropriate examination and case taking regarding my case.
I give my permission to the Lotus Naturopathy & Massage to collect, use and disclose my personal health information as outlined above. I understand that I am able to withdraw my consent as to use and disclosure of my personal information except when legal obligations must be met. I am aware that I am entitled to access my own health records as outlined above.
Lotus Naturopathy & Massage
4/53 Pacific Highway, Ourimbah New South Wales 2258, Australia
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